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Visit Ventura’s Year in One Short Video

Likely, you will see some of your own year here. Throughout the pandemic, like all DMOs, Visit Ventura reversed gears and focused inward on the Ventura community, applying creativity, innovation, and the desire to simply do the next right thing to help keep Ventura’s businesses—and economy—afloat. And with the world moving back to the light, Visit Ventura is turning, slowly and cautiously, back to tourism; because tourism has never been more important than it is right now. Visit Ventura has worked to prepare for the post-pandemic recovery. Already in place, a multi-layered recovery plan addressing everything from cautious, responsible recovery, to how to attract visitors in a fiercely competitive market and ensure those visitors feel comfortable, welcome and safe. But it goes deeper than that. Here, in five minutes of video, are the efforts of the Visit Ventura team focused on a simple, not always simple task, to do the next right thing for their community in the face of a world like nothing any of us has ever seen.

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