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The Value of DMO Visitor Guides


DMO Visitor Guide Readership & Conversion Study

Executive Summary

In our digital world, printed visitor guides ─ particularly those published by DMOs ─ continue to be an important resource for travel inspiration and planning. The DMO Visitor Guide Readership & Conversion Studywas conducted for the DMA West Education & Research Foundation by Destination Analysts with support from Miles Partnership. In addition to the research, impact and influence of visitor guides, insights from this cooperative study of 12 DMOs cover who uses official DMO visitor guides and why, the specific content they seek, and how this marketing asset is essential to DMO communications. 

The DMA West Education & Research Foundation partnered with Destination Analysts to assist DMOs in developing a profile of travelers who use DMO-published official Visitor Guides and estimate the Return on Investment these official Visitor Guides bring to their respective communities.

These important findings on the usage and impact of DMO Visitor Guides were made possible by DMA West Foundation grants ($32,500) as well as the participation of these 12 DMOs: Casper, Fairbanks, Grand Junction, Lubbock, Olympic Peninsula, Seattle Southside, Tempe, Tucson, Tuolumne County, Washington County (OR), Yosemite Madera County, and Greater Zion.

Sincere appreciation to Miles Partnership as the study’s Signature Sponsor in helping to underwrite the study with a $15,000 sponsorship.

We thank Destination Analysts for presenting the webinar The Value of DMO Visitor Guides—Insights from a cooperative Readership & Conversion Study, with Visitor Guide Best Practices presented by Miles Partnership. 

  • You can view the webinar recording here
  • The research presentation deck can be downloaded here (including Miles Partnership content)
  • Bonus from Destination Analysts: A whitepaper on The Importance of DMOs in a Crisis can be downloaded here